Students at Blessed Carlo Acutis attended their first Careers Day on 27th January. The academy had the pleasure of hosting a range of colleges, apprenticeship providers and local employers. The day was an excellent opportunity for students to interact with professionals and experts from a variety of fields, whilst also gaining a clear understanding of the Post-16 options available in the local area. Visitors were extremely complimentary about our students, commenting on their willingness to ask questions as well as their exemplary behaviour.
Our Year 10 students gained a comprehensive understanding of all matters related to Higher Education, following engaging sessions from our colleagues at Shaping Futures.
Career Connect worked with Year 11 students to help them focus on their future goals through sessions on team work, employability and self-control.
We were also excited to introduce our students to Unifrog. The online platform provides young people with unbiased careers information and advice to help them make informed decisions about their future destinations. Unifrog also helps teachers to monitor student engagement and progress with their careers education.