Blessed Carlo Acutis Receives Its SIAMS Inspection Report
We are proud of the results from our latest SIAMS inspection, which found Blessed Carlo Acutis to be a school of joyful collective worship, where positive relationships enable everyone to flourish in love and learning.
The inspection took place on June 19th and 20th 2024; it was a pleasure to welcome inspectors to show all we have achieved since our school was renamed by our students and staff.
Noting the particular strength of our high-quality, empowering and inspirational RE provision, the inspection report also comments:
“The intention of every policy, action and practice is to empower individuals in reaching their potential.”
“The dedicated nurture provision supports students through challenging times and provides a safe place for them to grow.”
“Blessed Carlos Acutis maximises every opportunity to care for members of their community. Support for wellbeing, mental health, charity work and social action is developing students’ expertise as agents of change.”
The Headteacher, Ali Freeman, noted: “As the only joint Church of England and Catholic school in the area, we are extremely proud of this report. We know we have been on a journey and continue to be so, but the inspection justly recognizes the changes we are making and the culture of family that we are building. The inspector spoke to both students and parents which makes this report even more special. I am extremely proud to be the Headteacher of this wonderful school in such a special community.”
Click here to read the full SIAMS inspection report.